Which cryptocurrencies can you buy with NETELLER?
Did you know you can buy crypto assets directly from your NETELLER account? NETELLER offers a crypto service to all its clients. If you have a NETELLER verified account, you can dig into the world of crypto instantly.NETELLER offers a wide selection of digital coins you can buy, sell or hold within your NETELLER account. It cannot get much easier than that.
Watch #1: How to send Bitcoin with Neteller?
Watch #2: How to buy Ethereum with Neteller?
Watch #3: How to buy Bitcoin with Neteller?
How to access the NETELLER crypto service?
NETELLER supports a surprisingly long list of cryptocurrencies, including all stable coins and hot emerging coins. Since NETELLER keeps adding to its list of supported cryptocurrencies, you can always check the fresh selection in your NETELLER account.The list of crypto assets is published in the TRADE section.
When accessing your NETELLER account from a desktop version, you also have access to live chat assistance regarding trading with NETELLER.
Select TRADE in the MENU and choose MARKET DATA.
Here are all digital assets offered by NETELLER:
- Bitcoin (BTC),
- Ethereum (ETH)
- Cardano (ADA),
- Dogecoin (DOGE)
- Uniswap (UNI)
- Bitcoin Cash (BCH),
- Litecoin (LTC),
- Chainlink (LNK),
- Polygon (MAT),
- Stellar Lumens (XLM),
- Ethereum Classic (ETC),
- EOS (EOS),
- Aave (AVE),
- Maker (MKR),
- Tezos (XTZ),
- Cosmos (ATO),
- Dash (DSH),
- Compound (CMP),
- SushiSwap (SHI),
- Decentralized (MNA),
- Synthetix (SNX),
- The Graph (GRT),
- Ox (ZRX),
- Bancor (BNT),
- Curve (CRV),
- Ankr (ANK),
- Uma (UMA),
- Celo (CLD),
- OMG Network (OMG),
- Kyber (KNC),
- Loopring (LRC),
- Skale (SKL),
- Storj (STO),
- NuCypher (NUC),
- Numeraire (NMR),
- Balancer (BLC),
- Band (BAN).
In 2021, Neteller supports 37 cryptocurrencies, and it keeps adding new coins. For example, only in 2021 Neteller has expanded the list of digital currencies from 11 to 37.
Also, NETELLER wallet offers a complete view of the price chart trends, current price, and market sentiment.

With Neteller, you can invest in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Cardano, Litecoin, Uniswap, Chainlink, and many others.
Can NETELLER remove a cryptocurrency?
NETELLER has the discretion to remove a coin, but not prior notice. If a cryptocurrency is planned to be removed, NETELLER must send notifications to all interest holders months in advance. You will have up to 60 days to sell your coins or swap them for other digital assets.
The most reliable crypto experience
Neteller Crypto Service is proven to be a reliable, fast, and safe platform to hold crypto assets. When you need cash, you can sell crypto and pay with your NET+ Card at the very next minute. For example, you have 0.1 ETH in your portfolio on NETELLER. You can sell the exact amount you need to make a payment in your local store, for example, 32 EUR. The rest you can keep in Ethereum, so your digital assets keep up with the bull market.
NETELLER provides one of the most reliable crypto experiences at the moment. Even without prior trading knowledge, you can buy and sell crypto within your ewallet account.
Open a NETELLER account and get a VIP upgrade
If you don't have a NETELLER account yet, you can open one here.Once your account has been verified, we can offer you a NETELLER VIP upgrade. Fill out the VIP request form, and we will handle your upgrade in less than 48 hours.